About Me

Job Title

I work as a Frontend Developer I 🧑‍💻 at Wobot.ai


Hey there, Aditya here! a passionate, self-motivated Frontend Developer based in Pune, India. I’ve been exploring web dev for nearly 4 years now and have been enjoying it so far. I love to build modern user interfaces using different tools. I find myself interested in UI animations, accessibility and I like statically typed programming languages.


RSC, Go and more...


  • Frontend Web

    Nextjs, Remix, React, Redux, Typescript, Javascript, Taiwindcss, Framer Motion, MUI

  • Backend Web

    Strapi, ExpressJS, NodeJS, MongoDB, MySQL, Prisma

  • Designing

    Figma, AdobeXD


  • Master of Computer Science

    Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar University, Solapur

    08/2022 - Present

  • Bachelor of Entire Computer Science

    Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar University, Solapur

    08/2019 - 05/2022


  • Gaming
  • Music & Podcasts
  • Reading


Built with Nextjs, Tailwindcss and much